New Google Sites Help

This wing members website is built on New Google Sites and these tips apply to all New Google Sites websites.

Wing staff: Anyone on the wing-staff mailing list can edit the wing members website. Be careful: You can edit the entire site.

Create a Website

To create or edit a New Google Site, go to There, you will see all sites you have permission to edit.

On your published site, click the pencil icon at the bottom right of any page to edit it, if you have permission.

What to do

Top Tips

Publish your changes

After making changes to the site, click the blue Publish button at the top right of the window to publish your changes for everyone. Otherwise, they remain saved as draft edits!

Keep it simple

Simple layout, simple content, easy to read and consume. Use built-in styles, organize pages, remove what isn't necessary. Less is more.

Check for missing files

Some pages on the old website had files attached. Check the old website for such files, move them to your department Shared Drive, share them, and embed or link to them from your new webpages. See more details.

Detailed Help Topics

Basic Page Editing - How to start navigating and editing a webpage

Edit and Format Text - How to make webpage text look clean and uniform

Documents on Webpages - Sharing, Embedding, Linking - How to embed or link to documents in Google Drive on your webpage

Documents on Webpages - Display Options - Various ways to display a list of documents on a webpage

Hide Pages - How to hide pages from showing up in the site navigation menu

Google Help Pages

For creating and editing New Google Sites, see Google's New Sites help pages.

For step-by-step walkthroughs on using New Google Sites, see Google's New Sites training pages.

For transitioning a Classic Google Site to a New Google Site, see Google's transition help pages.

All Google Sites help topics