Google Best Practices
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Work Remotely with Others
Your WAWG Google account provides a suite of tools for working remotely, effectively and securely. See the Google Workspace page for a full list of the services you already have access to and how to use them.
In particular, Google Meet allows you to hold impromptu and scheduled teleconferences and videoconferences with your staff, or even your entire unit membership. See the Google Meet info below.
Review Google's list of tips for how teams can collaborate effectively and securely using all of the available services.
Please use the tools available through your existing WAWG Google account. Do not sign up for accounts on other services without first consulting with Wing IT. Your Google Workspace services are available to all WAWG members and are secured to account logins. They meet the security and privacy requirements of CAP IT regulations.
Get WAWG E-mail on your Personal Devices
Web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.) - sign in, general help
Windows apps
Outlook - add an account, general help
Mac apps
Outlook - add an account, general help
iPhone/iPad apps
Gmail - add an account, general help
Outlook - add an account, general help
Android apps
Gmail - add an account, general help
Outlook - add an account, general help
Other apps or older versions of apps - manual configuration
Gmail IMAP settings - we strongly recommend using IMAP and not POP
Create your CAP E-mail Signature
See National's guidance and requirements and list of grade (rank) abbreviations (at
How to do it:
Sign in to WAWG Google if you have a Personal Google Account
If you already have a personal Google account, going to any Google website will default to that account. You must sign in to your WAWG account to be able to switch among WAWG and personal/other accounts.
How to do it:
Or use the Google account chooser.
Where to Store Shared Files
Wing/group/unit related (i.e., not a "personal" file)?
Put it in an appropriate place in that org's Shared Drive and share from there.
Specific to you and not wing/group/unit?
Share it from your individual Drive.
How to share?
See Documents on Webpages - Sharing, Embedding, Linking for how to set sharing settings.
Every member's account includes Google Drive, a place to store your CAP-related files. If you need to share information with other members, you can share files or folders in your Drive. However, access to files shared from a member's individual Drive disappears if that person stops being a member of WAWG (leaves CAP, moves wings).
If you need to store files that really belong to an organization and not an individual -- for example, your unit's finance files, an activity's files, or files related to a wing department -- those should be stored in a Shared Drive. Each wing department, each group, and each unit should have a Shared Drive. Shared Drives can have multiple owners and members. Any owner can fully administer the Shared Drive. It is not tied to an individual's account, so access to important information is not lost when that person leaves.
For more information on Shared Drives, see Google's help topics.
Use Google Meet for Video Conferencing
Meet allows you to hold a teleconference or videoconference. Those on devices with cameras have the option to use audio and video or only audio, others may dial in via phone.
You may create a Meet call and invite people on the spot, or you can schedule a call and send participants a calendar invitation via e-mail. Links to instructions are under the Voice/Video section of the Google Workspace page. When you schedule a call, you and your invitees will be provided with a link for connecting via Meet and a call-in telephone number.
Try these tips for holding an effective teleconference:
Notify your attendees in advance so they can set up equipment and test it using the Meet website or app. Don't have your meeting be the test run.
Prepare an agenda and distribute in it advance.
Mute your microphone when not speaking. Background noise - such as children, pets, traffic, televisions, radios, coughing, squeaking chairs - impact everyone's ability to hear clearly.
If you have a camera, use it to create more of the interpersonal connection that keeps people engaged. Be aware of what you are wearing at home and what is visible behind you - be professional.
Speakers should pause every so often to allow others to reply and reduce the chances of multiple people speaking over each other. A meeting moderator who follows and announces the agenda and asks for comments in a structured fashion may be useful.
Attendees should identify themselves when they begin speaking, especially if not on video.
Set up Two-factor Authentication / 2FA (Two-step Verification / 2SV)
Note: Your CAP National eServices account is completely separate from your WAWG Google account. You may set up 2FA for either account, but this is done separately.
What is 2FA and why use it?
First, it goes by various names: two-factor authentication/2FA (common), multi-factor authentication/MFA (eServices), two-step verification/2SV (Google).
When you sign in to use an online service (such as your WAWG Google account or your eServices account) using any device – your home computer or a phone or tablet – that service may require more than just your password. Why? Many people’s use of passwords is insecure – they often use the same password for many services, so any one service being compromised and the password stolen can allow access to many other services.
An online service using two-factor authentication sends a text message or notification to one of your devices that has already been connected to the service and verified to be yours. It trusts that your response to the text message or notification is really you and that serves as the “second factor” verifying your identity and authenticating you to use the service.
Use 2FA for your CAP eServices account
CAP will soon require setting up 2FA on all members' eServices accounts. When required, you must set up at least one 2FA method - e-mail (an address registered in eServices), text message, or authentication app. See NHQ's instructions.
Use 2FA for your WAWG Google account
2FA is recommended but not yet required for your WAWG Google account. To set it up, follow Google's instructions. You will first set up a text message method. After that, you may choose to add another method, such as an authenticator app.