The Information Technology staff supports Wing IT infrastructure, member IT services, and Wing-provided IT hardware and software.
Google Workspace
Washington Wing uses Google Workspace to provide all members with a user account and access to e-mail, calendars, document storage and sharing, teleconferencing, web forums, and more.
New Members and Parents
All current WAWG members have an account within a few days of completing their initial training. Set up your account!
Parents of cadets will be added to several email distribution groups automatically. Ensure your email address is included as a "CADET PARENT EMAIL" in your cadet's eServices account.
IT Support Information
New member setup
- Info about each Google service you have
Google Workspace best practices
- Set up e-mail
- Switch between personal and WAWG Google accounts
- Where to store and how to share files
- Video conferencing
- Account help
- Parent e-mail list
- Password reset
- Hardware/software support
Google Workspace Services
Google Workspace Dashboard (all apps)
E-mail (Gmail)
Documents (Google Drive)
Groups (web forums / mailing lists)
Video conference (Google Meet)
Chat (instant message)