Frequently Asked Questions

What documents do I need to send in for a deposit?

There are four documents which you will need to submit in order for us to post the deposit correctly and maintain appropriate documentation.  These are:

The WAWG F-32 Deposit Advice

Scans of the checks

The bank deposit slip

The bank transaction receipt

What documents do I need to submit an expense reimbursement?

        The WAWG F-31 (unit) or WAWG F-38 (wing) Check Request

        Receipts showing itemized expenditures

        Finance Committee Meeting Minutes if the request is over $500.

Please note that the dates on the receipts must be within 60 days of the submission date in order to be processed.  Additionally, if this is for a wing-reimbursable expense and not the unit, then a different form will be required.  Please contact us with questions about this process.

Where do I send my documents?


Which form should I use for reimbursements, F31 or F38?

A form 31 is used when the reimbursement is supposed to come from a squadron.  This is because the F31 is set up for the approval chain which includes the unit-level staff such as the finance officer, finance committee member, and squadron commander.  This authorizes the release of funds from the unit checking account.

When the expense needs to be paid from a wing-level activity such as Arlington Fly-in, Cascade Falcon, or Desert Eagle encampments, then the form 38 needs to be used.  This form uses an approval process which rolls through the activity director and wing department director and finance committee to the wing commander.  This authorizes the release of activity funds for payment.

I've noticed that WAWG and PCR use Eventbrite for planning and processing events. Can I use that for my unit or department?

Great question!  Eventbrite just recently changed their rates for non-profit organizations.  The cost is now 5.5% of the ticket price plus a fee of $0.99 per ticket.  Washington Wing is currently investigating cheaper alternatives to save our members, units, and wing transactional costs.

During that time, we are still using Eventbrite and you may use it.  Because mailed checks can get lost in the mail, we are consolidating our usage into one account which will do direct deposit to the wing or unit checking account.  You will need to work with the WAWG FM (FM@wawg.cap.gov)  to add your event and request management access to it.  The WAWG/FM will create your event and provide you access to configure it. Once your account is initially created, you will have access to create your own future events.  You can also fill out an EventBrite Access Request Form.

When your event is over, the funds collected will be deposited into your unit or wing department account.  This will require a reconciliation report to be sent to WAWG Billing upon the conclusion of your event.  This report should be emailed to you by Eventbrite.  The funds will then be posted accordingly and available on your next monthly statement.

How do I access my unit's monthly and quarterly statements?

The unit statements are now being posted to google team drive.  If you need access, please contact the WAWG FM (FM@wawg.cap.gov) for permissions.  To access the files:

How can I send sensitive bank information to WAWG/FM encrypted?

The WAWG/FM uses RSA encryption and has a public key available through several keyservers.  You can access it directly at the Nebraska-Weslyan Keyserver website or through the PGP global directory service.

How can my unit participate in the NHQ investment brokerage program?

WAWG units who wish to establish investment accounts for growth of cash reserves will need to take a close look at how much they can afford to invest.  The WAWG/FM can assist with a review of previous FY cash balances for assessing the unit's cash requirements.  If a unit wishes to establish an investment portfolio, the following documents will need to be forwarded to the WAWG/FM:

Once an account is established, if a unit wishes to contribute additional funds, only step #3 is required.  

To withdraw from an investment portfolio, a unit should submit a formal request on unit letterhead with approved finance committee meeting minutes authorizing the sale and the return of a specified amount of funding.

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Page last updated 14 May 20