Submit Content

Submit your content to WAWG Social Media, magazine, and!

Training, activities, staff meetings, and more.

Submission Guidelines and Process

ALL WAWG cadets/officers are encouraged to send in submissions.

Don't wait for a magazine deadline!

Submit your stories as they happen!

Articles submitted to EVERGREEN News will be considered for publication in any of the following places: 

       WAWG Social Media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram  The Washington EVERGREEN magazine, NHQ's!

Did you know you can view the magazine online?


     1. Send article and photos via email to or 


Continuous submissions are accepted for Publication in the April, August, and December EVEREGREEN NEWS issues.

ARTICLE guidelines:

Articles can be as short as 1-2 paragraphs. but no longer than 3 pages.

Must include author's name, grade, email address, and phone number.

If you have articles on Leadership, Uniforms, Aerospace or Emergency Services, send them on. Even if it's only a few paragraphs, it will be a valuable contribution.

If you would like to be a regular contributor to the publication, please let us know!

We would like to know if you have “made the news” in your neighborhood. Please feel free to submit links to news articles in a Document format so we have a place where it is being archived!

PHOTO guidelines:

Photos must not be zoomed in if taken by a cell phone. 

Photo Identification and Caption Instructions

We will need to know who is in the photo and what activity is taking place in the photograph. 

If you are submitting your photos via email include the following information for each photo you submit: