SiteViz Help
This page provides guidance for editors of websites using SiteViz, the NHQ-provided mandatory website platform for public-facing CAP websites.
(For the 2021 project to migrate WAWG websites to SiteViz, see here.)
(For help with Google Sites, see the New Google Sites Help page.)
Create a SiteViz Website
Review the SiteViz Reference topics for learning info and example websites.
Review the general NHQ website requirements.
Request your new CAP website.
See the "Request a cap web site" link on NHQ's websites page.
NHQ has suspended creating new SiteViz websites. If you unit already has one, WAWG IT can grant and rescind individuals' administrative access to it upon request from unit leadership.
Explore SiteViz and prototype your new site.
The in-development site URL will be, where NAME is the website name you submitted when you requested a new site.
Design your new website to be oriented primarily to information for the general public.
Follow the recommendations for all websites.
Follow the publishing steps for all websites.
SiteViz Reference
What is SiteViz
In short, SiteViz is an external website hosting platform that provides a structured, fill-in-the-blank template approach to building websites. The CAP national website uses it and National has provided a nearly identical template for all subordinate websites. The site homepage is rigidly structured and limited information may be inserted in defined areas via text fields and dropdown selection boxes. However, individual pages within the site are designed freeform using a visual editor.
How to use SiteViz
Website administrators should review one or more of the following resources.
See "SiteViz Quick Reference by WAWG IT" for an overview of what to find where in SiteViz.
Examples of migrated WAWG sites:
An unpublished site under development will be:
Cannot submit a website request
If you follow NHQ's instructions for requesting a website and see information already in the form, no Submit button, and only a Clear All button, you already have a website with the domain (URL) shown.
Need a SiteViz user account
If you or someone in your squadron needs a user account on SiteViz, contact the WAWG IT project officer with the person's name. Their membership will be validated and an account created.
Add a Google Calendar to a SiteViz page
See Google's help topic on embedding a calendar in a website.