Pilot Orientation

If you are a current pilot joining CAP, please send an email to NewPilots@capnhq.gov with your name, CAPID, and unit number so that headquarters Director of Operations can contact you with information on how to become a pilot for CAP. 
The Pilot Onboarding section on cap.gov will also help you find information to get started.

This page provides additional resources and links that you should find helpful.

The slide deck below is designed to proved a high-level understand of the various pilot roles and how to achieve them.
(TIP: In addition to regular underlined hyperlinks, many of the images / diagrams in these slides are also opening the web resources they refer to - make sure to try clicking / tapping on those as well!)

Slide deck provided by the Seattle Squadron
Last updated: 11/13/2023

How to find a CAP CFI or Check Pilot:

The previous list of CFIs and Check Pilots has been removed as it was too awkward to keep it up-to-date.  It's much more effective to understand how active individuals can be found by members seeking CAP pilot training or checkrides.   


This PDF document crafted by Capt. Andy McDonald of the Fort Vancouver Composite Squadron describes how you can take advantage of the FAA Wings program to get credit for CAP flying activity towards a Flight Review (formerly known as BFR), and you can use CAP Form 5 activity and FAA Wings to do several things, including renewing a Flight Review, updating CAP Safety Training credit, and even updating CFII quals (if you are a CAP Check Pilot). 


The current standard 100LL refueling levels are:

Please always use the measure stick to determine how much fuel is missing in each tank when you buy fuel to restore standard refueling levels - do not just request bottom of filler tabs or similar methods as they tend to be anything but precise.   

Pilot Quick Links

This selection of links is geared towards powered flight, and by no means exhaustive with regards to all aspects of flying in CAP. 

Document references in (gray) are older/replaced ones.

eServices (Login required)

Airport VFR Routes

101 Card


This page has been created from scratch in March 2021 to replace an outdated version.
We will be happy to continuously make changes to ensure this page is a useful one-stop resource for both new and seasoned CAP pilots.

For any questions, suggestions, reporting of errors, missing or broken links, change requests etc. please do not hesitate to contact Lt. Freitag.