
ICUT Training

Introductory Communications User Training is in eServices.

Communications Files

Channel guides, callsign rosters, equipment lists, and more.

 -- Controlled Unclassified Information --WAWG account requiredContact Director of Communications for access if you do not have a WAWG account


The mission of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Radio Communications Program is to meet the validated communications requirements of internal and external customers. Validation consists of approval by CAP Command and/or the Air Force. This mission is accomplished by strong planning to organize and maintain a reliable, integrated, point-to-point, air-to-ground, and ground mobile radio capability in support of the missions of CAP.


The primary purpose of CAP communications is to provide internal communications capabilities; to provide commanders with the means to conduct the missions of CAP both during normal conditions and when commercial infrastructure is unavailable or unsuitable, including commanders in the organizational chain of command, operational mission chains of command, and special activity chains of command.  Using volunteer operators training to professional standards.

The nation-wide CAP communication system has 840 high-frequency radio stations, 5,000 fixed-land radio stations and 10,000 mobile radios, deployed in CAP units in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Using volunteer operators trained to professional standards, the CAP communications network is a ready force for homeland security and the protection of life and property.

VHF Net Schedule

Day Time (L) Repeater

Monday 1715 R62

Monday 1800 R03

Tuesday 1930 R11

Thursday 1930 R21

HF Net Schedule

Day Time (L) HF Designator

Tuesday 1900 PCC, PCD, PCA

Thursday 1900 PCC, PCD, PCA