
March 2025: NHQ has released ICL 25-01 to CAPR 190-1, which requires WAWG to secure this members website behind account sign-in.

July 2024: NHQ has suspended creation/publication of all new SiteViz websites pending rollout of a new policy for websites below wing level. More information will be shared when it is available.


Websites in CAP have certain restrictions. Websites intended for public (non-CAP member) consumption must use the SiteViz platform controlled by NHQ. Websites intended for CAP member consumption may be of any form; WAWG uses New Google Sites.

For example:

Create and Draft a Website

See SiteViz Help or New Google Sites Help for details about using each platform.


Publishing a Website

Review the NHQ requirements, then follow the final publishing instructions.

NHQ Website Requirements

Before publishing your website, note the requirements for CAP websites in CAPR 120-1. We also recommend having someone other than the site builder review it.

Best practices and requirements from regulations are summarized below.

3. Check for links that take the user away from the .gov domain. Per CAPR 120-1 para 5.2.3, the user must be notified.

4. Identify the site properly - see CAPR 120-1 para 5.3.

5. Ensure advertising/recognition of outside groups complies with CAPR 120-1 para 6.9.

6. Ensure "personally identifiable information" does not exist on the site. See CAPR 1-2 (I).

7. Verify hyperlinks work.

Final Publishing Steps

SiteViz only: Follow the instructions in the "Web Site Go-Live Instructions" link on NHQ's websites page.

Units only: Update the unit website info in eServices.

All: Notify WAWG IT to update the Wing website.


For New Google Sites
