March 2025: NHQ has released ICL 25-01 to CAPR 190-1, which requires WAWG to secure this members website behind account sign-in.
July 2024: NHQ has suspended creation/publication of all new SiteViz websites pending rollout of a new policy for websites below wing level. More information will be shared when it is available.
Websites in CAP have certain restrictions. Websites intended for public (non-CAP member) consumption must use the SiteViz platform controlled by NHQ. Websites intended for CAP member consumption may be of any form; WAWG uses New Google Sites.
For example:
The public website is intended for public consumption by non-CAP members. Its content is limited to information for non-members and parents of cadets (activity information).
This site! The members website is intended for WAWG members and contains details not relevant to the general public. This may move to a private site requiring sign-in with your WAWG account to view.
Create and Draft a Website
See SiteViz Help or New Google Sites Help for details about using each platform.
Consider having your site contain mostly information that need not change regularly, to avoid the need for frequent updates.
If you need to provide information that changes, embed the document in a webpage so the site doesn't need to change, just the document. This is common with embedded calendars.
If you embed a document stored in a WAWG Google Drive account, be sure non-members cannot access other information. Individual documents can be shared publicly without exposing other info. See Google's sharing help page.
We recommend storing files for your website in a Google Drive that will exist for the long term -- for example, a squadron's Shared Drive, not an individual's personal Drive. People leave and their accounts are closed!
Cheat - look at your existing website and other units' SiteViz websites for ideas.
Iterate, iterate, iterate until complete with the right content (everything you need, nothing you don't).
Review, review, review until it's correct (use people who have not worked on the site).
Publishing a Website
Review the NHQ requirements, then follow the final publishing instructions.
NHQ Website Requirements
Before publishing your website, note the requirements for CAP websites in CAPR 120-1. We also recommend having someone other than the site builder review it.
Best practices and requirements from regulations are summarized below.
After creating or migrating your website, test and verify the new site is ready. Enlist others to review the site for publication readiness. More eyes are good for catching errors.
Google Sites only: Set permissions (click the "person with a +" icon)
Add your unit/activity Editors
Add the WAWG Office of IT and Office of PA groups as Editors, if not already listed
Click Change under Links
Change the Draft edit permission to Washington Wing (Anyone in this group with this link)
Change the Published view permission to Public (Anyone on the internet)
3. Check for links that take the user away from the .gov domain. Per CAPR 120-1 para 5.2.3, the user must be notified.
Examples at eServices. Since Google Sites doesn’t seem to have any way to do a pop-up or other dynamic redirect message, you may just need to have a parenthetical note in text.
4. Identify the site properly - see CAPR 120-1 para 5.3.
5. Ensure advertising/recognition of outside groups complies with CAPR 120-1 para 6.9.
Technically, that statement need only appear if you recognize outside supporting groups. However, it’s not a bad idea to add to the site as a catch-all. Note the font size requirement.
6. Ensure "personally identifiable information" does not exist on the site. See CAPR 1-2 (I).
7. Verify hyperlinks work.
Change old links to to the appropriate link on
Final Publishing Steps
SiteViz only: Follow the instructions in the "Web Site Go-Live Instructions" link on NHQ's websites page.
Before publishing your new site, we recommend contacting WAWG IT for a "once over" to verify everything is working and that all requirements are met.
If you do not perform all of NHQ's instructions, you will not activate your URL! Do not use your in-development URL!
Units only: Update the unit website info in eServices.
See the steps here (eServices > Membership System > Personnel > Membership System > Org. Maintenance). This will update the info shown on the CAP unit locator map.
All: Notify WAWG IT to update the Wing website.
We will update the info shown on the WAWG unit map.
We will delete the redirect. (Google can't redirect outside
For New Google Sites
We will update the link to your site. (When developing your new site, its location will be We will change the custom URL, such as, to point to that site.)
Remember to update your website URL in other places, such as social media.