eServices Tips

Washington Wing IT has no control over eServices
CAP National HQ manages eServices and must handle any questions about it. How-to information for certain tasks in eServices is provided below.

Set your eServices Contact Information

Sign in to eServices, click your name at the top right (or tap the three gears icon on a small screen device), then choose Contacts. Or, click here for the Contacts page.

The EMAIL PRIMARY address will be used by CAP National for general communications. It is also the one most likely to be used by members who look you up. We recommend using your WAWG address for this.

The EMAIL SECONDARY address is a backup contact. We recommend keeping your home e-mail address in this. This is WAWG IT's only way to contact you if you lose access to your WAWG e-mail.

The CELL PHONE PRIMARY number can be used to recover your account password.

Upload your CAP ID Photo

Sign in to eServices, click your name at the top right (or tap the three gears icon on a small screen device), then choose General Info.

Under Membership Card, click the link for photo upload.

Be sure your photo meets National's ID photo requirements. Your chain of command will review and approve your upload.

Set up Two-factor Authentication / 2FA (Two-step Verification / 2SV)

See the instructions here to set this up for eServices or your WAWG Google account.

Did You Know...

In eServices, if you have permissions, you can:

Search for a member

Create member reports