CAC Term-Change Process for Commanders


Term-Change Applications for all CAC positions in WAWG are open on 1 August and close 31 August.

Cadets serve on Cadet Advisory Councils on a term-by-term basis, so every year on 30 September, every CAC Assignment* expires automatically in eServices. The new term begins on 1 October.

This means that commanders at every level in CAP need to enter CAC assignments before every new term starts, even for cadets who will be carrying the same job into the next term.

The WAWG Cadet Programs Team will send a solicitation to all cadets instructing them to apply for unit-level positions by emailing their Unit Commander and Deputy Commander for Cadets on 1 August.

If cadets are selected for wing or region level positions, we ask them to withdraw their applications for lower-level positions. (see "Dual-Hatting" below). Wing will also announce its selections by 10 September.

  *Assignments made after 1 August don't expire until 30 September of the next year, to allow entry of the next-term's assignments before it begins.

Selection Dashboard - View the by-unit status of CAC selections for the next CAC Term. 

Term-Change Selection Windows

Wing Commander (1 - 10 September)

    RCAC Representative

    RCAC Assistant

    WCAC Chair

    WCAC Vice Chair

    WCAC Recorder

Unit Commanders (11 - 25 September)

    WCAC Representative

    WCAC Assistant

Commanders' Instructions

Overall Process

eServices Notes


Unless there are no other options, WAWG avoids assigning cadets to more than one CAC position. This ensures every position gets full focus, and that there are more opportunities for cadets. If a cadet has already been selected for a higher-level position:

Filling Vacancies

Some positions may still be open at the beginning of the CAC term (1 Oct), or some may come open during the CAC term. The wing-wide applications are only open during the annual term-change process. Outside of that window, commanders are able (and encouraged) seek and hire applicants for vacant positions, but will have to do so directly themselves.

Be aware that if you fill a current-term CAC vacancy between 1 August and 30 September, it will carry into the next term automatically, unless manually removed at the end of the current term.

Term Limits

Cadets can only serve a total of 36 months at any one echelon of CAC. It's pretty uncommon for cadets to serve this long at one echelon, and we capture previous service in the application process for you.

Commander's Prerogative

Commanders have the authority to fill, remove, and replace any of these assignments at any time, and are able to use an election process to fill vacancies if they desire. The process described above is meant to aid commanders in meeting their obligations, not limit them.