IT Support Requests

I need a WAWG e-mail (Google account)

You probably have one! Accounts are created automatically based on eServices information.

I need an account early

Request an account below. Login info will be sent to your eServices EMAIL PRIMARY address and will expire in 48 hours. Enter that home address in the IT request.

I need my password reset

Reset your password here: (Trouble? See tips here.)

You can reset your own password if either:

If you cannot reset your own password, request a password reset below. Login info will be sent to your eServices personal EMAIL address and will expire in 48 hours. Enter that home address in the IT request.

I am a cadet parent and wish to receive WAWG emails

Request this below. Please enter your first and last name and your cadet's CAPID. The email address you submit in the request will be added to the cadet parent mailing list.

I transferred out of WAWG and need to access my e-mail or files

Request temporary reactivation of your previous WAWG account below. Any responses will go to the email address you enter in the request.

I need different IT support

Request it below. Any responses will go to the email address you enter in the request.

First, ensure we can contact you

Add your personal email as a secondary address in eServices. Follow these instructions.

Use an email address from eServices and include your name & CAPID in your help request. Otherwise, we must contact you to verify your identity.

Check your email after submitting a help request. Any responses to your request will go to the address you enter. Check Junk Mail or Spam if you don't see anything.

Be patient. :) Once we receive a help request, we take care of it as soon as we are able - generally within hours or the next few days if we are unavailable. Only a couple of us work part time on IT. Be sure to check your e-mail, including your spam / junk mail folder. If you still have not heard from anyone, contact us via e-mail.

Then submit your request

Click below and sign in or create a profile.
Include your name and CAPID in your request.

(Note: this link will open a new browser window and leave the CAP.GOV domain.)