Michael Sinclair
Lieutenant Colonel Michael A. Sinclair
Director of Communications
Lt. Col. Michael A. Sinclair joined Civil Air Patrol in 1974 and became active in Emergency Services (Communications, Flight Line, Ground Team, and Observer) as a Cadet earning over 100 sorties and an AFRCCcredited “Find”. As a cadet, he held various duties at squadron in senior and cadet level positions, and was Cadet Commander at the west side monthly training camp for over a year before joining the Air National Guard. Lt. Col. Sinclair continued to be an active instructor in emergency services until going active duty in the United States Air Force. While serving active duty, he was a member of Kansas, Hawaii, Utah, and Idaho Wings, as well as Ramstein Cadet Squadron (Germany) and Rocky Mountain Region. He served in positions from leadership officer to unit commander to region deputy Inspector General (IG) before returning to Washington Wing in 2006. He has held the current position since October 2011. Additionally, Lt. Col. Sinclair is a member of the FEMA Region X Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group (RECCWG) and WAWG FEMA X Representative.
Lt. Col. Sinclair has previously worked as a car detailer, tire and wheel warehouseman, delivery driver, wholesale electrical parts warehouseman (shipping and receiving), continuous home gutter installer, commercial motor coach (charter bus) driver, bus and van driver for high end retirement community, and also the loading dock coordinator for a 1.2 million square foot high rise facility.
Lt. Col. Sinclair joined the Washington Air National Guard as an Air Traffic Control Radar Maintenance Helper (30311) in the 215th Electronic Installation Squadron in 1980, then went active duty in 1982. He was stationedat McConnell AFB, Osan AB Korea, Hill AFB, Ramstein AB and Mountain Home AFB before retiring at the end of 2002 as an 2E071 Ground Radar Maintenance Journeyman. Additional duties included project monitor, maintenance training manager, unit deployment manager, job controller, maintenance controller, network controller, SORTS, unit training manager at work center, squadron and group levels.
Organizations and other activities included Ramstein Roadrunner Volksmarch Club board member, to include acting as a club ambassador to other clubs in other countries, and volunteer EMT in the emergency room at Lanstuhle Army Medical Center. Lt. Col. Sinclair is a past team member of the City of Shoreline Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), State of Washington CERT Instructor, and member of the ShorelineAuxiliary Communications Service (ACS) providing amateur radio communications supporting the City and Fire Department in emergency and community events. He is currently a member of the Communications Support Team serving the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority as an Extra Class Amateur (AF7UY), and also serves with the Seattle Seafair, Emergency Management Group, Air Safety Team and the Tacoma Freedom Festival, Air Show Box Control Safety Team. He has earned the FEMA Professional Development Series Certificate and has completed the Advanced Professional Series and the Emergency Managers Basic Academy. He is amember of the International Associations of Emergency Managers (IAEM) and lifetime member of the Air Force Association.
Lt. Col. Sinclair’s Civil Air Patrol awards and decorations include the Gill Robb Wilson Award, the Meritorious Service Award (two clasps), the Commanders Commendation (with silver star, three silver and 4 bronze clasps), the Achievement Award, Lifesaving Award (silver star and two bronze clasp), Search “Find” Ribbons (bronze three-bladed propeller and two clasps), Air Search and Rescue Ribbon (bronze three-bladed propeller, silver and bronze clasps), Encampment Ribbon (six silver clasps).
His Specialty Tracks and levels are: Cadet Programs Master, Inspector General Master, Communications Master, Professional Development Senior and Command Technician.
(Current as of 03-Oct-17)